Covid-19 on the Parfum Industry

The Big Hit Covid-19 has on the perfume industry 

Will it recover in the near future?

It’s no wonder that the fragrances and perfumes sector took a big hit during the pandemic - given not just the nature of the nice-smelling products that ultimately flout safe distancing rules, but also the toll of lockdowns around the world, making the use of fragrances highly displaced. Compared to its counterpart of colour cosmetics, fragrances have been inoperative when work-from-home has shifted to the default, be it in schools or workplaces. 

Interestingly, articles published have been hinting on the comeback of perfumes, despite the huge shift of focus from accentuating confidence levels with scent and makeup to focusing on maintaining high levels of good hygiene personally and publicly. 

But, how? We effectively summarise the key points that were used by the fragrance industries and elaborate on the how-tos:

1. Put your brand on, like perfume.

Coincidentally, while the shift in preference and focus towards personal hygiene items and the lack of allowance for social activities have purported the limited use of beauty-fragrances, herein also lies a huge opportunity for perfumes as they can be vigorously used in personal hygiene products such as hand sanitizer gels and face masks. Well, it definitely doesn’t hurt to smell good.

2. Shift along with the shift.

Indeed the focus is now on personal hygiene and wellness in overall, but smelling good and spraying on perfume has effectively blended into one’s definition of wellness as well. Going beyond the initial functions of perfumes being to simply attract others, it has been incorporated into the definition of wellness - of brimming with health. 

3. The advantage of personalisation 

Just like marketing and our previous topics of personalised ads, personalisation is not explicitly recognised when activated, but people know when they are not there. This inherently links back to the likes of customisation to personal wants, which the fragrance industry has aptly leveraged on to achieve continued success despite the pandemic. Alike DIY scented candles and perfume workshops we see in town, the fragrance industry has a lot to gain from us consumers who love customisation and the uniqueness it brings.

It is no secret that the fragrance industry took a big hit, but it is likely to recover by smartly leveraging on its strengths and going along the flow of the pandemic as well. If you’d like to see more of how different companies and industries are handling the hits of the pandemic to see how you can learn to better your business, read our articles and feel free to contact any of us. At BCD, our focus is YOU. 


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