Why We Can’t Get Enough of Instagram’s “Add Yours” Function

Towards the end of 2021, many of us might have noticed a new sticker on Instagram - the “Add Yours” function. Since then, the sticker has been used for every and any topic from showing off beloved pets to celebrating festivities. These stickers have racked up hundreds of thousands of contributions, and chances are, if you’ve seen these stickers, you’ve probably added your own post to them. Let’s talk about what makes them so popular!

1. Our Desire to Relate

We are innately driven by our desire to understand others around us and to fit in. Being able to add our own contributions to these “Add Yours” topics gives us a little thrill when we realise we are a part of a diverse range of large communities across the world who enjoy the same things we do and who participate in the same activities as we do. Posting a photo of our own not only makes us feel included and reaffirms our status as an “insider” but also allows us to show off our interests. This exhibition of our hobbies or activities also form an integral part of our identity and being able to showcase who we are freely brings joy and fulfilment. 

2. Our Interest in Fellow Humans

Another simple reason for the popularity of the “Add Yours” function would be our human curiosity about the lives of other human beings. As innately social creatures, humans thrive off interaction, even if virtual. Vlogs on Youtube and Tiktok rack up millions of views, engaging viewers with alternative versions of life in a diverse range of spaces across time. 

Beyond entertainment, we look towards others as sources of information, even if unconsciously. Scrolling through photos of lives in the pandemic on the opposite end of the world allows us to make sense of the severity of the virus and to acquire knowledge about what is being done to prevent it. Sometimes, such information can guide our decisions and we find our lives made better or easier by mirroring what we have seen online. 

Curiosity about a stranger’s daily routine could end up in us prioritising our health more and committing to an exercise routine just like them. When we adopt new behaviours or acquire new information, fitting in is just a tap away should we choose to broadcast these updates and upload them to an “Add Yours” Instagram sticker that pops up on our Instagram Stories. 

3. Simplicity

A key element contributing to the success of Instagram’s “Add Yours” feature would also be the sheer simplicity of the function. Having launched its Instagram Story function a while back in 2016 while progressively rolling out interactive elements like the poll function and the shared reminder function, Instagram has laid the foundations for its users to easily adapt to new features which resemble those which they have already used with ease. The addition of a new feature keeps the platform fresh while giving users something so simple to try out for fun. And try out they did, with the “Add Yours” feature popping up across all of our Instagram Stories testament to the success of this humble yet well-loved feature. 

In the realm of social media, the human touch and human connection remain highly influential and cherished. The human recognition of another’s story and another’s hobby, love or identity is something we can all understand and appreciate. 

At BCD, the human touch also lies at the heart of what we do. If you love engaging others, listening to their stories and helping them to realise their desires, contact us now. Our focus is YOU. 


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