Real Estate Entries - Career Switching

Taking the leap of faith to switch industries: Passion alone might not be enough

 Then what else do you need?

Of course, it is everyone’s dream and ideal to work in an industry or to be selling something that they feel passion for. After all, most of us enter the workforce with the mindset that our full-time jobs would be long-term, lasting for at least a few years to even decades. While this requires a certain degree of passion, there comes the controversy on whether passion alone is enough to fuel one’s resolution to stay in a job for a prolonged period of time.

So what is another driver to one’s grit in their industry?

A good mentor.

Having a good mentor does not just mean good mentorship – it is really someone who you can envision yourself setting as your role model and feel comfortable approaching for help. All in all, a great mentor that you can work well with and learn actively from sets the stage for a career pathway where you are able to grow and enjoy at the same time. We interviewed Elaine from BCD to share her thoughts about having a good mentor – perhaps this can trigger your train of thoughts on the topic of mentorship for yourself as well, regardless of the industry you’re in!


Meet Elaine

Switching from the Banking industry to Property Sales, Elaine shares what she appreciates about Benson’s mentorship that allowed her to enjoy the privilege of a smooth transition.

1. Patience and guidance

Elaine shares how before she even her journey in the property industry, “he waited patiently for (her) to be ready to become an estate agent”, allowing Elaine to feel his sincerity and recognizing Benson as a patient leader. Ideally, this is definitely a good trait when looking for a long-term mentorship in order for you to learn and grow.

2. Handing down the essential soft-skills

She also mentioned that Benson taught her the soft-skills that cannot be learned by-the-book, an essential skill honed through years and decades of experience. Not all leaders have the dedication to share the imperatives to the industry’s success, much less guide you through it. You know you hit the jackpot of a leader when he guides you through the fundamentals  from scratch and teaches you how to wing it.

3. Direction

With Benson’s guidance throughout Elaine’s endeavor in this journey, even before she stepped into this industry, Elaine was always well-prepared since he was always on the go to prepare her for the next step. That is crucial in crafting your stepping stone to a long-term career as you are more aware of what’s coming ahead and hence given the headspace to better prepare.


Most definitely, that is not all there is to a good mentor, but factors you should definitely be looking out for when seeking one.  If you’re looking to start your career in the property sales industry, our mentorship at BCD will be most ready to guide you through your journey here and ultimately, enjoy your career.


Our focus is YOU, so feel free to contact us if you’re looking to start your journey at BCD.


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