Tips On Working Smart: Productivity Hacks To Maximise Efficiency

What does it mean to work smart? Everyone defines this phrase differently, but generally, it means using your thinking skills to minimise tasks and extra steps so that time is used wisely and more effectively. Many people tend to attribute success to hard work when in actuality, that can lead to lots of inefficiencies for the sake of work. Have you met those “working for work’s sake” type of people?  They’re who we’re trying not to be.

We understand that not everyone has the luxury to do work they find meaningful, let alone enjoy it. But for those that do- here are 5 tips you can implement to maximise efficiency.

1. Prioritisation

Knowing which task is more important can help you allocate your time better. Start with the difficult stuff, because things are only going to get easier and you’re going to get a boost after each activity. This psychological hack can help you complete tasks faster.


2. Planning

On first glance, planning and organization may seem small, but they are crucial in maintaining an effective workflow. Especially in the age of digital media, planning out content can heavily influence the success of any campaigns you may be running. So with everything, knowing what’s next can minimise scrambling for documents or rushing for deadlines. 

3. Use procrastination to analyse

Timeliness in decision-making and tackling projects is typically a good thing in business. Changes in strategy, growth and arrangements with partners and other people involved tend to be better when operations are efficient.

When you’re procrastinating on tasks, use the time to consider the costs and benefits of decisions you need to make. Instead of making a quick decision, you can mull it over and ensure you’re about to make the right choice. This is especially useful if new information is uncovered during the delay that can sway a decision based on facts and research.

4. Do the work you enjoy

Doing work you enjoy can seriously boost efficiency because you don’t spend time complaining about it. Perhaps because of a certain pride taken in the work, you’ll end up going above and beyond, finding new ways to improve processes.

5. Communication

Miscommunication will cost your performance at work and dollars as well for your organization. You must work with your team with seamless communication to help collaborate on tasks and issues. Improving your collaboration, communication and networking skills will assist you to eliminate wastage of time and help you solve problems quicker, because you know exactly who to seek help from. 

6. Delegation

Your day is probably full of things you don’t want to deal with at the moment - from minor tasks to massive projects. Look at day-to-day tasks that you tend to avoid, and ask yourself if any of them can be delegated to someone else. This is a good opportunity to hand over your tedious tasks to a virtual assistant (VA) so the time you do have can be used for more important matters that only you are capable of accomplishing.

What are some of your personal tips on working smarter? Have a think about it and you’d be surprised at what you can do to optimise your time.

For those who love to climb that career ladder, networking is one of the most effective ways to accelerate the pace. You get to receive advice, discuss common challenges and get immediate solutions from experienced peers especially those who have gone through similar career paths as you. Moreover, you’ll be able to connect with different types of mentors and advisors, which will help you further develop your areas of expertise, and improve your soft skills.  

Networking is more so important for the self-employed. To keep your job prospects and income steady, you’ll gain all sorts of benefits by building and maintaining a strong network. If you have completed several jobs for a company and had a positive working relationship, they are more likely to recommend you to other potential clients or engage you again in future projects. Effective networking is one of the best practices you can undertake to help your own career thrive. 

 Related: Self-Employment: What Skills Do You Need in 2021?


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