Personal Branding For Real Estate Agents in 2021

What is the first thing you would like people to think of when your name is being called? Or when you google yourself, what pops up? People will look at the results and start forming an impression of you. The question is, how do you translate who you are offline to an online version to reach a wider audience? 

Well, to build that online presence, you first need a theme- that's where personal branding comes in.

What is personal branding and why is it important?

Personal branding is the process of establishing a name, a reputation, a face for yourself. It is the combination of all your skills and expertise that makes you who you are. How you present yourself to the world is crucial as the stronger your brand becomes; the more people will seek your services and offerings. Essentially, a good personal brand differentiates you from your competitors, and potentially brings in ongoing business for you!

Yes, I understand that to personally brand yourself can be extremely exhausting for some, but nothing good comes easy. Personal branding is a long and ongoing journey and if you are willing to put in the right effort and time, you can become the brand that gets customers easily. Read on to find out some tips on how to get started.

1. Be Genuine

Don’t be someone that you are not, just be yourself. People usually gravitate towards those who are genuine because they know they can trust them. Your attitude makes or breaks your brand – being authentic to your customers helps to show your true capabilities and expertise to them. In contrast, those who try to create a facet of themselves or have the “fake it till they make it” mentality could backfire, resulting in disappointment among their clients. 


2. Have a Focus

Don’t be a jack of all trades, but master of none! At the end of the day, what you are trying to sell are your services, so make sure you are extremely skilled in whatever you choose to brand yourself. Keep your message focused so that it is easier for yourself to create content around your personal brand and for others to recognise you. Remember, the more visible you are in whatever industry you are currently in, the more business opportunities you get. 


3. Tell a Story 

The most effective personal branding strategy these days is to tell a story and build a narrative around your brand. Having a brand story revolves around how your business can help solve a problem for someone else, tells the world you value your audience more than yourself. This will be a lifelong storytelling project, so make sure you do it right!  

4. Be Consistent with Your Promises 

You have to live up to what your personal branding is! If you brand yourself to be the 24-hr hotline that anybody can reach out to when they need help, you make sure you are awake to answer phone calls at 3 am. Providing consistent branding helps to foster trust and confidence in your brand, which potentially increases your visibility in the industry. 

Your personal brand serves as a precious asset for you to grow your business. Whether you are trying to build your own personal brand or improve your existing one, make sure to put in conscious effort into showing yourself to the world. It is not always what you say that is branding, but rather what others share about you is also considered branding.  

We know, it is not easy and for many new agents, they worry about the cost of building a personal brand, marketing efforts and many other things. When it comes to effective mentorship, words of encouragement are not enough, new agents need resources too. At BCD, your marketing needs are taken care of because we have an in-house team that can offer heavily subsidised rates. This way you’ll always have support, be it ideating or executing- we will be able to support you every step of the way.

How does BCD help our agents grow?

BCD begins by customizing a career path for. As everyone is different, something working for someone might not work for others and Benson understands this to a great deal. 

BCD had opportunities for agents to shadow experienced agents, allowing them to witness how viewings are conducted and how deals are closed. Agents also get opportunities to manage Benson’s listings, which allows agents to observe and put into practice what they’ve learnt helping them grow at an exponential rate. 

BCD focuses on achieving the skill of constant closing before spending on marketing and advertising, so by the time you have to engage in digital marketing or spend more on advertisements, you can be sure that you will have the means to. But, for agents that do want to invest in marketing, BCD is able to offer subsidised rates on certain digital services like video production due to our in-house capacity. 

At BCD, our focus is on you. Feel free to drop us a line to find out more on our programs that aim to equip agents with the right skills to achieve their goals.


Networking For Real Estate Agents In 2021


Real Estate Entries: Adapting to Singapore, being a mother, and building a career in real estate