Original recipe chicken chain KFC’s very original marketing strategy.

Recently, in Spain, KFC began a “Copy/Paste” campaign where videos claiming to copy-cat KFC’s secret recipe exist to devise responses. It then links to a website that allows amateurs to publish their attempts at recreating the dish. In return, those who attempt the Colonel’s original recipe will be rewarded with codes to exchange for authentic brand products. 

In a statement, Beatriz Martinez, KFC brand manager, commented: “We’re proud of the people who have spent so much time trying to copy the original KFC recipe at home and share their versions with the rest of the world. We’re going to give back their time and effort through what we do best—the Colonel Sanders Original recipe.” 

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this has portrayed KFC’s persona of being customer-centric in its strategies and has quickly proven appreciativeness towards customer loyalty. The impression from the ongoing campaign has been stunning, with over 36,000 codes being given out within 9 days. Here are some key takeaways from their unique marketing strategy that you can apply to your future or current approach:

1. Be original 

The best thing about originality? It stands out, and showcases effort, uniqueness and more importantly, persona. Brands and individuals alike, it is ever so crucial to exhibit traits that are exclusive to yourself in crafting an identity that can be ingrained on other’s minds - such as going for a job interview or in KFC’s case, being the hot topic in terms of branding whilst enunciating customer satisfaction. 

2. Calculated beyond risks

Safe to say, KFC’s unique approach to marketing is mildly insane because who knows, someone might really find the recipe that is identical to Colonel Sanders’. However, with the untarnishable reputation the chicken brand has established globally, an individual’s successful attempt will not hinder KFC’s branding nor sales, but rather, boost it’s reputation. Obviously, this may not be feasible for smaller brands. However, we can also learn from KFC that it is important to...

3. Put customers first

Also aligned with our previous article on customer loyalty, rewarding customers can be heartfelt and in turn render your desired outcomes. In the pursuit for profits, it is always important to never lose sight of those who are patronizing you. After-all, besides being revenue generators, customers’ needs are inherently the driving force behind your products, be they food, gadgets or services. 

We may not be any chicken restaurant, but at BCD we strongly resonate with originality and customer-centric sales. That is why in your hunt for the perfect home or even starting a job in the property industry, our sales technique is to cater to your needs. Feel free to contact us if you want to start your house-hunting quest or to start a job in the property industry! Because at BCD, our focus is YOU. 


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