On The Inside - Levi’s

#OnTheInside, not just for customers, but for your brand.

Russia’s culture on the expectations for female behavior and looks have been renowned for decades - women are expected to dress pristinely and be reserved. They are always expected to be in high heels regardless of the weather, and it would reportedly be a social scandal for one to be in sweatpants or running shoes in public unless they are headed for the gym. This comes along with the austere gender roles in Russia, where feminism and lady-likeness do not refer to reliance on men, but instead literally being the “prettier sex”. 

This has instigated a silent protest campaign by Levi’s, where the protest statement “On The Inside” was printed and worn on the inside of some of Levi’s garments to express solidarity. This campaign features empowering messages that women want to say, versus what they were told, and were taken to social media for a stronger voice. 

The campaign is part of Levi’s international program ‘I Shape My World’, formed half a decade ago by its marketing director in a bid to support women and inspire the collective forward. This internationally lauded campaign has been largely impressive, and has taught us a few key things that can be applied to our own brands:

  1. Support certain causes

This not only brings out your voice as a brand, but also seeks to form a community that can eventually seek comfort in your support. One action can go a long way, alike how #OnTheInside was appreciated by women not just in Russia, but in other parts of the world. 

2. Defying the Odds

Of course, while supporting the causes that are not against social norms, there would be a small handful that are in disagreement with it. This goes the same for Levi’s campaign where conservatives in Russia, especially men or the older generation, will be against the slogans in the campaign. However, a handful of naysayers are bound to exist and should not be a hurdle in your support for a certain cause. 

3. From within, on the inside

Most definitely, supporting causes for a louder voice and wider brand recognition should not be forced. Genuine support is the root of a creative marketing tactic as well - it should come from within your own moral handbook. 

We love to see how brands are creatively adapting strategies to suit their brands whilst supporting causes in the world. If you are keen to be in an environment to consistently be learning, feel free to contact us. After all, our focus is YOU. 


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