McDonald’s New Loyalty Programme in the U.S. - What we can learn from them.

When it comes to loyalty programmes, many may quickly assume that brands that are largely affordable and widely popular do not have a need for it - at least for the case of fast food restaurants worldwide.

In July, McDonald’s became the latest quick-service restaurant chain to launch a loyalty program nationwide in the U.S., and data reveals that this very launch gave McDonald’s a much-needed boost in ad awareness, especially after consumer awareness fell in May after its employee strikes for higher wages. 

While this does not directly have any impact on us, nevertheless, we still have some takeaways from the action by the internationally-renowned fast food chain: 

  1. The importance of sales-centric ad services.

Even amidst the very fact that Mcdonald’s serves products favored by people of any country and age, the loyalty programme launched is no doubt vastly different from its usual R&D innovations for new flavours and products. Albeit the fact that the brand suffered from a decline in ad awareness, without diving into the details of the reasons why consumers like when brands offer discounts based on their purchase history, we can see the effects of how a simple loyalty program which revolves around customer engagement, managed to boost its ad awareness even without product innovation. Well, that’s something brands everywhere can learn from, regardless of the industry you’re in.

2. Step out of your comfort zone.

Although we can’t say for sure that a loyalty programme had been out of McDonald’s comfort zone, it is widely-known that it has always been a powerful tool utilised by other food & beverage shops. With McDonald’s taking the step to initiate a loyalty programme to reboot its customer engagement, perhaps we can also stop to wonder what other forms of advertising or sales we can adopt outside of our current strategy. 

3. Mainstream does not mean incompetent.

That is a fact that many of us are aware of but sometimes not actively practicing. Amid our perpetual attempts to stand out amongst competitors, we can learn that common and mainstream tactics have the utmost potential to boost your brand awareness and by doing so, we are not falling short by hopping on the bandwagon. 

For us at BCD, we take pride in giving you the most rewarding experience in your property-hunting quest. We are consistently learning from other brands and practices to improve and adopt teachings into our services, so do feel free to reach out to us whether you are looking for an agent for your house-searching, or even to be one of us. Our focus is YOU. 


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