A standardised rating guide for Property Agents - and what that means for you.

Regardless whether you’re purchasing a product or patronizing a service, no doubt one of the factors -- if not, the main factor --  taken into consideration by most people is its quality. The same applies to the majority of the aspects: be it food, hair styling, or in this case - client servicing. 

In the real estate industry, it is not new news that there are now standardised online ratings for property agents delivering services to their clients. In fact, since late October last year, the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) launched the guide for the online ratings for property agents. According to Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of National Development (MND) Tan Kiat How, this standardisation is necessary to aid consumers to source for agents to smoothen their search for suitable, long-term properties. "With these key categories in place and a standard way of assessing, collecting and displaying these attributes, we can make sure that comparisons are fair, credible and consistent across the board," he said.

So, what does that mean for you?

In overall, a more seamless, plain-sailing, and trustworthy process for the decision you are investing in for the next few years to come -- You get to pick a suitable agent who serves your needs by looking at his/her ratings, have your own experience with them, AND share about it via ratings on the guide. 

But in retrospect, this rating system might also be the very tool that dilutes opportunities for newer agents not as experienced in the field who have faced some difficulties. While most might argue that the system is in place to effectively distinguish such talents and skills, we need to recognise that this standardised guide - which allows us to compare agents vis-a-vis top-rated ones - may be a tool for inappropriate and harsh comments that can potentially hinder one’s growth in our industry.

All-in-all, remember this: ratings are subjective based on personal experiences, so don’t let a stranger’s two cents simply dictate an agent’s calibre.

For us at BCD, we are constantly refining our service to be your go-to in your property-hunting quests. To ensure we are consistently providing experiences catered to your needs, we give our agents the support and training they need on top of the fundamentals to let them enjoy their job and serve a pleasant experience to clients always. So if you’re looking to start your career in this industry, feel free to contact us. Our focus is YOU. 


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