Finding A Good Property Mentor

Finding A Real Estate Mentor Singapore

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A good mentor will offer advice, feedback, and guidance. But, don’t expect a mentor to teach you everything they know about real estate and business. Mentoring is a process that develops naturally and takes place over the long term.

When seeking out a mentor, it is important to note that a good mentor should be sought out. If people are actively pitching their “mentorship” to you, it might not be the best sign. You want someone who is honest and transparent from the start. 

Why do property agents “recruit” more agents?

Simply put, some companies reward managers for recruiting by paying them a portion of whatever course fees the aspiring agents pay. Which is why some people do mass recruitment and keep recruiting regardless of the quality of the new agents.

You want someone who is upfront and honest about their intentions, many people make use of the “opportunistic young person” and promise them successes upon joining a particular division. It is important that you find someone that can give you that assurance, but he/she needs to be genuine and passionate about your growth. 

Don’t be lured by popularity and numbers. It’s the quality that matters most in your career as a property agent. 

So how do you start sourcing for a mentor? 

There are a few ways you can go about this: 

  1. Ask anonymous questions in forums

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This method can help you sieve out potential mentors. People will willingly offer up information for nothing in return and chances are, you’ll receive a point of contact. This gives you a starting point and can help you narrow your search 

2. Use Professional Networks like LinkedIn 

As an aspiring property agent looking for a mentor, you probably have sights on a certain agency. Visit LinkedIn and type in that agency in the search bar.

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Next, click on see all employees and keep a lookout for people with titles such as “group division director” or “We’re hiring” in their title. This is helpful because they are established real estate agents that are looking to train and grow their team, meaning that they are likely to be invested in your growth. Furthermore, if recruitment is a priority for them, they would want to train and retain agents. In other words, this is a quick and direct way to meet people that can offer you the help you are looking for. 

Finally, reach out to them and schedule an appointment. Even if things do not work out, this is still worth a shot because if you never try, you’ll never know. 

3. Attending recruitment events

Personally, we recommend the above two suggestions, but if you prefer to attend events to listen in for yourself first, it is possible to look for events such as the Asia Real Estate Summit that just took place, hosted by PropertyGuru

How to Judge a Mentor? 

The best judge is time. Finding a mentor is not just about the results, it is very much about the relationship. 

When it comes to finding a good mentor, you need to ask yourself a few questions 

  1. Do they seem to invest in and enjoy being a part of others’ success?

  2. Are they good at giving and receiving feedback?

  3. Do they speak in a truthful and respectful manner?

  4. Are they invested in their own growth and development?

  5. Do they see the value in investing in growth and development in general?

  6. Do you respect and like this person inside and outside the office?

  7. Are they well-liked by others?

  8. Do they have mentors of their own? 

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to most of these questions, you’re on the right track. Mentorship is a two-way street, where it only works as well as you are willing to put in the effort. 

If you want to know more about how we are able to help you grow your business in the real estate industry, get in touch with us .


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