Rayla Shao

“ Before joining BCD, I was really struggling with this career. I spent a lot on all types of marketing and advertising, but I did not see any result. With the imbalance of expenses and income, I felt dejected and almost quit. Fortunately, I met Benson before I made the move.

Benson is not the type of leader who will just recruit, for the sake of having the quantity of people in his team. He believes in spending time to onboard his team and for this reason, he sat down with me, understood my history, my background, my family situations, and my characters. From there, he customises a career path for me, that will be different from the path he plans for other agents. As everyone is different, what worked for others might not work for me.

Being a mum of 2 boys, I’m unable to spend all my time and energy at work, I have to balance work and family. Benson has 2 sons and fully understands how tough it is to strike this balance. He planned a routine for me where my work takes place when my kids are in school, and weekends when my husband is able to take care of kids.

If it's one thing that helped me, it would be Benson's unwavering support. Shadowing him allowed me to catch a glimpse into his strategy; how he conducts viewings and how he closes deals. Managing his listings also taught me the basis of this job and helped me understand the inner workings of this industry. As a result, I grew at an incredible rate.

Benson never encouraged us to spend too much on marketing and advertising, before we achieved the skills of constantly closing. I really appreciate that because as a self employed person, all the cost is on our own, hence having a leader who can help you to spend less and achieve more is really a blessing.

BCD is not a big team, everyone here is kind and we take care of each other like a family. If you are tired of office politics, and looking for a dynamic and diverse team with full energy and positive vibes, you will love it here.”


Kellyane Ng