Taylor Swift’s Mega-Hit

Taylor Swift’s newest re-record of her previous album, Red, is a mega-hit. But behind the front of an internationally-renowned singer popular for consistently creating songs about her exes, what actually made her new album such a big hit?

To be very honest, a 10 minute version of her old song actually did put me off initially: Isn’t it essentially recycled ideas, but remade into a longer, draggier version?

However, her interviews with various media platforms and hosts pointed out the uniqueness and value of her album Red (Taylor’s Version). With her previous album’s initial release when she was 22, she said that the re-record had a stark difference - her mood: “But this time, I've got sunglasses on, a mojito, it's chill this time.” 

After watching various interviews and listening carefully to the lyrics of “All Too Well - Taylor’s Version”, I might be okay, but I’m not fine at all - and here’s why Swift’s newly released version of her album made such a big hit:

1. True, heartfelt emotions

While the songs were extended versions of her previous releases, the extensions of lyrics hit real hard, bringing listeners and fans to tears as she aptly described human experiences in a non-simplistic manner that pinches your heart. The same thing goes for anything - literally anything - that you are ever involved in, be it work or family. Emotions can be felt and sincerity goes a long way.

2. Transparency 

Indeed, she did not explicitly pinpoint who she is referring to in each of her songs, but the transparency and rawness in the lyrics to her songs really said it all. To top it off, she was able to attend interviews with an open-mind, letting the whole world know that while her intent behind her two different versions were the same, the mood and emotions she felt were worlds apart, allowing the song to stand out and fans to be proud of her personal growth. 

Specifications to roles will nevertheless be different - we can never directly compare songwriting to real estate sales. However, principles that enhance growth and call for success are arguably, inherently similar, and we can always be on the lookout for learnings to apply. If you want to join us in experiencing an endless pursuit of growth and improvement, feel free to contact us - after all, our focus is YOU. 


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