Sustainability and How We Can Make an Impact

Earth Hour is just around the corner and along with it, the issue of sustainability and the part we play in it has come up again. Earth Hour which falls on 26 March this year,  is an hour during which millions of people all around the world switch off their lights in a display of solidarity for the cause of saving the earth. By doing so, they also put into practice a method through which one’s environmental impact can be reduced. The power of an individual should not be underestimated, and here’s what you can do to make an impact today. 

1. Choosing Environmentally-Friendly Means of Transport

Commute is one way in which we generate a carbon footprint - a term which refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced through our personal activities. A high carbon footprint has contributed to a multitude of environmental issues such as air pollution, global warming and ocean acidification. Different means of transport produce varying amounts of carbon dioxide, with private transport such as taxis and cars having the highest carbon footprint and public transport being far more environmentally friendly. With the plethora of bus stops and MRT stations dotted around Singapore, opting for public transport would be an option that can reduce our impact on the environment. An alternative to public transport would be cycling and walking, both of which do not have a carbon footprint and can bolster our health. 

2. Adopting a Flexitarian or Plant-based Diet

The food that we consume also has a carbon footprint, with meat being the largest contributor. This is because of the inefficient conversion of plant to animal energy and methane produced by the digestion in many animals such as cows, sheeps and goats. Reducing your impact on the environment can simply come in the form of swapping out animal products for a single meal in a day! According to the United Nations, eating one plant-based meal a day will allow you to save almost 200,000 gallons of water - an equivalent to around 11,400 showers. 

With plant-based choices such as oat and soy milk available at most cafes, and alternative meat options being increasingly common in eateries, plant-based swaps have become easier and is an option you can consider as an easy way to reduce your environmental impact. 

3. Sustainable Shopping 

Our purchases can also have an environmental impact. Shopping from fast-fashion brands which pump out cheaply and quickly made garments capitalising on trends can be incredibly destructive due to the unsustainability of the materials used. Additionally, a lot of resources are expended to create these clothes which may be disposed of very quickly. For example, a whopping 700 gallons of water is used to produce one shirt. The use of synthetic materials which are non-biodegradable means that a massive amount of waste is produced as clothes move quickly through this system of production and disposal. Therefore, to reduce our impact on the environment, we can choose to shop mindfully from smaller, slower fashion brands. This means that we shop with purpose and not on impulse, and that we support more sustainable brands which often make more versatile, timeless pieces. 

There are many ways in which we as individuals can make a difference. Our everyday actions can have a positive impact on the environment and our everyday interactions can change the lives of others as well. 

At BCD, you can make a difference in the lives of others as well. Every individual can make a difference, given the platform and guidance to do so. Should you be interested in making an impact, feel free to reach out to us. At BCD, our focus is YOU. 


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