Should I Become A Property Agent In Singapore

Pros and Cons of being a real estate salesperson in Singapore

So you want to be part of the real estate business but have doubts about whether it truly is for you? Well, that is actually a pretty common sentiment amongst people across various professions. Whether you’re looking through this list for some confirmation bias or are curious to see how this job might suit you, here are pros and cons of being a real estate salesperson in Singapore 


Creative freedom 

By going self-employed you'll be in charge of the decision-making. There will be freedom to explore a number of creative solutions to problems that arise and have the satisfaction of seeing your ideas through to completion. 


 Working from wherever you want, this means that  you could avoid office politics, company hierarchies or an expensive and stressful daily commute mi


Being in control of your workload grants you the opportunity to work on a range of projects with a number of clients and develop new skills. You'll also gain experience in the different areas of setting up a business, including overseeing the finances and administrative work. 

Flexibility of time

As well as creative freedom, you'll also be able to set your own hours and fit your work around other commitments, which often leads to an improved quality of life. 

Earning potential

Since your income is not dictated by an hourly/monthly wage or does not depend on a corporate salary range, what you earn is directly related to conscious investments, not only financially but also to time and effort. There is huge growth and earning potential, but it comes down to you. 

Job Satisfaction

Reaping the rewards of your hard work can be very satisfying, while you also have the autonomy to do the things you love most.

Now that we’ve told you some of the pros, here are some of the other factors that you might want to take into consideration.



After all, it is a  commission-based job, stability of income will become a cause for concern if you are accustomed to drawing a fixed wage. Having the mind-set of an entrepreneur or businessman might be helpful, but understand that you are undertaking substantial risk. 

Poor Motivation

Despite having the freedom to choosing your working hours, the chances of you dwelling in inactivity could be higher. Some people are attuned to having goals being set for them, of which tasks are defined and motivation to work is based on such. Being the master of your own schedule might allow you the leeway to ‘slack off’ and before you know it, descend into doing nothing at all. In these scenarios, a strong sense of discipline and self-motivation are key factors to succeed.

Networking and Sales 

Depending on how you view this point, it could be either a pro or con. For those who are natural networkers or more  thos who are more of a “people person”, this may not be as difficult for you. However that is not to say it is not difficult. Prospecting is hard work and to find targeted leads, there is much effort that goes into building and maintaining relationships. 

Lack of employee benefits 

No sick leaves, holiday pay or any other employee benefit.

Long hours  

Your working day may be much longer and more irregular than someone. The flexibility of schedule comes with a reason as well – it is to allow you to be flexible to your client’s schedule. As such, to a certain extent, you tend to be working when everyone else is not. Should you receive a call from a client, the likelihood of you dropping every other non-business related appointments on hand to attend to this client would be very high.

Minimal Supervision

No one likes to be micro-managed, but some people need more guidance than others. If you’re someone that prefers hand holding or more structured learning, this industry might not be for you because you are pretty much given more autonomy. However, there are coaches, leaders or mentors that can help guide you. 

In our opinion, the this is a great industry with a lot of potential-but we understand that it might not be for everyone. Thinking about the pros and cons can better help you make a decision/ highlight areas where you can potentially improve on. 

We mentioned that as a self employed person you have little to no guidance at times, but thats not true at all. The difficult thing is looking for the right mentor.

If you’re looking for a mentor that will show you the ropes while helping you earn some money at the same time, drop us a line to find out more about BCD’s earn and learn programme.


PNG RES Study Group 2021


How To Become A Property Agent In SG