RES Exam Resource Guide

A list of resources to help you ace your RES Exam

Studying for exams are never easy. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably looking for the fastest way to get this out of the way. If you study something because you know you’re going to be tested on it, you’re aiming to achieve ‘active recall’. When you absorb information in this state, your brain will encode and store the material much more efficiently – thus the studying you do for your mock ‘tests’ is laying valuable groundwork for your real exams in the summer.

We’re not going to give you study tips, but we are going to give you some resources that can help you practice and ace those exams. 

  1. 100Questions

This site boasts quality exam guides, including articles regarding to TSDR, ABSD etc. 

  • Quality Exam Guides- articles concerning TSDR, ABSD

  • Exam Simulator- explanation after every question answered

  • Expert Panel- A useful platform to raise any RES-related questions to the experts

    2. Resexam

This site does not have mock exams, but it does have about 100 practice questions that you could try out. 

3. Trial Exams

This site one of the largest collection of exam simulators. More than the RES Exam, other exams such as PMP, CFA, CPA are also available for trial.

  • Free trial version- 30 questions

  • Paid version- 800 over questions 

One downside to Trial Exams is that you will have to go through all 200 questions in each exam volume before you can check your answers. However, doing it this way will help build stamina and you might do better because you went through the rigour. 


This website is by Sam Gian, a real estate author, trainer and consultant. He has more than 20 years of experience and is using his expertise to help future students. To gain access, all you have to do in sign up.

  • Mini quiz- 30 RES Exam Paper 1 questions, modelled after past 10 years of questions and updated to fit current case scenarios

  • Time limit of 90 minutes

  • Review od submitted answers

  • Anlysis of which topics require more attention

  • Mini tutorials

  • Free revision tutorials 

    5. RES Mock Exam

This site offers both free and paid resources. 

  • 1 free trial paper

  • Dowload free study notes

Here are a few different price plans to suit different needs. 

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There are other interesting features such as being able to position your score against your friends, so if you’re someone that likes that idea of community and studying with friends, this could make the experience less torturous. For a more comprehensive guide on the administrative processes of the RES Exam, we’ve written a step-by-step guide on what you need to do to take the exam. 

There are perhaps many different ways to score for exams, but practice is definitely a sure fire way to do well. If you’re a newbie looking to take an exam or if you’re looking for someone that can offer guidance, you’re at the right place. Feel free to browse through our materials, testimonials or even reach out for a chat, no obligation of course. 


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