ICB Event Treasure At Tampines


On 30th October, all TOP Closers and TOP Taggers for Treasure at Tampines were invited to the ICB Event to showcase their important skillsets on closing table.

First up, we have TOP Closer Gary Seah. To date, he has closed 7 direct cases in Treasure At Tampines. It was really awesome to have him share with us how he was able to garner his leads and follow up till close.

Other TOP Taggers we have invited are Jason Chin, Randy Lai and Jaelyn Goh, each of them has their individual strengths.

Veteran Jason Chin was a tagger back then in other numerous new project launches. Thus, it was not a surprise for him to clinch the TOP Tagger position at Treasure At Tampines.

Randy Lai, on other hand, is a very hardworking tagger and PIC at Treasure At Tampines. His right attitude and willingness to give his best definitely made a mark and contributed to his success to be the TOP 2nd Tagger.

Jaelyn Goh, was a newbie to the project, but don’t let her fresh looks trick you! Even as a first time as a CT and Tagger, she propelled extremely fast and is quickly gaining popularity and fame within the short time span of 7 months. In this short timeframe, she was awarded the TOP 3 Tagger in Treasure At Tampines.

Such a great sharing with all the ICBs who are keen to achieve greater results in new project sales, and hopefully together, we can reach for even better results!

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Agents Appreciation Party 2019


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