How to Write Real Estate Video Scripts

Real estate tour videos are a highly effective way to showcase properties for sale in an engaging and dynamic manner. As a real estate agent, you are the face of the property which you're representing. Therefore, it is important to convey an excellent impression and to do justice to the property showcased. Let's dive into the elements of a good real estate video script.

1. A Strong Introduction

Start off by introducing yourselves to the viewers. Next, create a strong first impression by drawing attention to the key elements of your property - property name (if applicable), location, size and the number of rooms. Remember to keep your introduction thorough but succinct, so as not to bore prospective clients before they have even viewed the rest of the property. Your introduction should be enough to tantalise them to continue watching your video - so think about what prospective buyers would look for in a property and highlight these elements. For example, a short walk to nearby public transportation or supermarkets can be a detail easily slipped in. 

2. Engaging Content

Bite-sized content is often the perfect way to communicate with your viewers. While the desire to highlight all of a property’s offerings and benefits may be strong, your viewers will only be able to retain a certain amount of information from your video. Be careful not to over-saturate the video with excessively long sentences, descriptors or facts about the property. Finding a balance between succinct phrasing and highlighting the features of a property is something vital which you will learn as you go along. While there are no specific rules in such cases, put yourself in the shoes of your prospective client. Would your interest be piqued if you heard someone speak in the way you scripted your video? Ask yourself such questions and proceed to tweak your scripts accordingly. 

Visual aids such as floorplans in the video can be useful - so if you plan to utilise them, be sure to include these elements in your script as well. 

3. A Good Conclusion

To tie things all together, wrap up your real estate video with a summary of the property, nearby amenities and your contact details. Include your social media handle and contact number, as well as your name. All of these do not have to be verbalised, but it is vital to at least have such information appear visually or in the caption of your video. 

Every property is different and has its own unique charms. Bring these elements out and delight your viewers with a splendid display of potential homes for them to choose their dream one. If you’re interested to find out how to play a pivotal role in matching homes to their owners, feel free to contact us. At BCD, our focus is YOU. 


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