Expanding Your Worldview

Expanding our worldview is all about doing new things, meeting new people and expanding our pool of knowledge. Travelling the world is one way we can do just that and with travel made possible again, many of us will soon find ourselves jetting off to another country to see how everything has changed over the past two years. While the internet provides us much in the way of doing so and understanding a variety of cultures and phenomenons, there are still some things we can’t quite grasp through a search online. Here are some other ways we can broaden our horizons. 

1. Travel

The most straight-forward way to fully understand things happening on the other side of the world is to simply be there. Learning more about other people, cultures and practices can be done through travel for leisure, work or even exchange programmes! For those still schooling, plenty of exchange programmes are open to students to allow them to experience briefly the culture of a country. For those of us no longer in school, travelling can be rewarding when we read up on a country’s history and culture and seek out these elements while abroad. Visiting museums and monuments or popping by festivals and traditional eateries can be a great way to understand each country’s character and its people’s way of life. 

2. Make More Friends

Every place is made up of its people. Getting to know new people can be a great way to easily and naturally expand your worldview as you learn about the differences and similarities between cultures. Knowing a local in a foreign land usually means you get to steer clear of overly commercialised, tourist-y places and get a truly authentic experience by interacting and dining with the locals. These days, language exchange or pen pal apps are a great way for one to make new friends abroad. Connected to people abroad, you’ll get to broaden your horizons even from the comfort of home. 

3. Be Open to Experiences

Being up to try new things and keeping an open mind is important in order for us to truly be able to expand our worldview. Be it in our home country or overseas, there are always new experiences beckoning. Being adventurous enough and game to try anything allows us to maximise what we learn from each encounter with someone or something new. The next time you’re given an opportunity to do something you’ve never done before, don’t be too fast to reject it. Instead, consider if your discomfort or reluctance stems from a lack of knowledge, uncertainty or prejudices which you can reflect on. Trying something new can be scary, but keeping an open mind and perhaps even doing it with a friend can really help! 

Expanding our worldview benefits us in more ways than one. From having a better grasp on current affairs across the world to being able to interact more easily with other people from different walks of life, there’s no harm in gaining more knowledge and being open to it. 

At BCD, the pursuit of new experiences and knowledge is part of what we do. If you’d be keen to work in such an environment, feel free to reach out to us. At BCD, our focus is YOU. 


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